Did you know WeatherWalay has 180 stations (and growing!) across Pakistan?

The network of stations provides valuable sampling of weather from the Gulf of Oman to the Karakoram Mountain Range. Stations measure various weather variables including temperature, relative humidity, winds, precipitation, and more. The data provides critical information for WeatherWalay nowcasts and forecasts, which help the public and businesses to make timely and accurate decisions.

Retrieving and viewing this valuable network is easy for 3 reasons:

1. Data Available in our Weather API
Observations from the WeatherWalay network are available both in real-time and historically through Synoptic’s fast, low-latency Weather API. You can get this network and any other stations for your research and analysis.

2. Data Available in Synoptic Data Viewer Dashboards
Observations are also available through the Synoptic Data Viewer tool. This allows now only viewing the WeatherWalay observations, but creating custom dashboards to monitor real-time conditions. Further, you can set alerts based upon specific weather thresholds that impact your operations.

3. Curated QC and Precipitation Service
Precipitation data can be tricky to compare and contrast over different time periods. With the Synoptic Precipitation Service this is easy. As an example, April of this year saw heavy rains across portions of Pakistan with some areas seeing upwards of 250 mm (or 10 inches) of rain!

Synoptic’s Precipitation Service curates and makes it easy to calculate and compare different accumulation windows and intervals with networks like WeatherWalay’s.

WeatherWalay Precipitation Data from April 2024


Reach out to find out more about this network and accessing data through Synoptic Data’s platforms.

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